Friday, October 15, 2010

logo design history

-From Cuba discovered by a wine merchant Facundo Bacardi but it was originated from Spain.
-In the factory where Bacardi was made the symbol of the bat came from the roof of the factory. In the factory roof there were dozens of bats just hanging
-the beginnings of Coca Cola were far from romantic because it was meant to be a patent medicine invented by John Pemberton who was a pharmacist.
-Pemberton took his medicine to Jacob€™s Pharmacy and the taster at the pharmacy judged it as “excellent”. As a Chandler, a local businessman eventually bought the formula from Pemberton.
-This global Japanese company manufactures and sells a range of products including motorcycles, boats and boat engines, snow mobile and golf karts, and music instruments and audio equipment, as well as robots and computers.
-this company also created "Nippon Gakki Seizo Kabushiki Kaisha" which literally translated to "Japanese music instruments corporation
-The logo for this successful worldwide Japanese automobile manufacturer is made up of three points that symbolize responsibility/trust, probity/integrity/ethics and communication/openness.
-the name Mitsubishi also translates to "three Rhomden" and in line with its link to the dynasties, means "three diamonds

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

photo blog

this picture to me says"purity in darkness" in the picture there is a very young and pale girl standing in front of total darkness such as the black demonic looking house with the crusifix on top and she is also holding a crusifix in her hand and with that it looks like shes praying.  

this picture says "it reminded me of my childhood"
back when i was a 13-16 I used to study in the libray and at the same time look like a total hardcore punk ready for a mosh pit and start cussing at random people for no reason.